Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So... there comes a point when a decision just has to be made.  Whether that decision is what's for lunch or should be move here or here?  Lunch is easy.  Moving not so much.  I think major decisions are very simple when you are single, once there are two of you to make the decisions it complicates things to the nth degree.  As a single woman, I took two jobs, bought a house, moved three times, and then I got married. Now I've left two jobs, moved zero times but am living with my mother-in-law (who is wonderful) but holey moley now that we have the chance to move my hubs and I just can't seem to come to terms with our current decision.  We've made it, I think... but neither one of us is too excited.  I got a job offer but he's not excited about the move.  He's got a job opportunity- not an offer- but I'm not excited about it because it puts us back in the same predictament we were in about a year and a half ago- which wasn't good.   So here we are... at a crossroads and feeling like we should take the trail that runs through both.

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