Friday, May 18, 2012

6 Feet

What a crazy beginning to the new year!  Just 3 weeks into the new year we planned and then found out that we're adding 6 feet to our nest out on the limb.  Six feet may sound like a lot and well, it IS!

We'll be getting a puppy in June that hopefully will help us recover from some of our heartache after losing Beau last spring.  WE are super-duper excited about the puppy.  Our little lab will be a half brother or sister to Beau from a different mom but the same dad.  The mom is an amazing dog that is just a bundle of love herself so we can only imagine what a puppy from her will be like.  The traits that Beau got from the sire were so awesome that we are extremely pleased to be able to get another one of his puppies.

So that leaves 2 more feet and those two feet will have 10 little toes on them.  I can't even begin to describe what all we are feeling about having a baby.  Elated, fear, excited, absolute joy, overwhelmed, proud, apprehensive, excited, bewildered, excited, nervous, blessed and did I mention EXCITED?!?  We're about halfway through the pregnancy now and so far so good.  We might be able to find out the gender at our upcoming appointment this week.  We don't really have a preference on a boy or a girl so it will be very exciting to find out who is going to join our little family.

We chose names back around week 8 so we're excited to stop referring to the baby as "it", "the baby" or other odd nicknames. My brother in law likes to call "it" Cletus the Fetus, which just grosses me out.  A little girl will be Teagan Marie which is Irish for "little poet" and my side of the family's common middle name and a boy will be Calton Joel, the hubs grandfather's middle name (which is actually a typo on his birth certificate) and his childhood best friend's first name.  Both names are loaded with meaning to us so we are happy to bestow either one on our child.

I never realized how much it meant to either of us to be able to provide our children with names that had strong meaning behind them.  I was also surprised at how quickly we came to a decision on the names, which happen to be names we never discussed prior to being pregnant (and we had a lot of discussion about names we liked).  Only 15 minutes of discussion- perhaps a record for new parents??  I guess all that pre-discussion worked out the kinks like overly western (Colt or Wyatt - my veto) or too foreign sounding (Vibeka - hubs veto) names.  Not to say those names won't be up for discussion in the future- but not this time.  We compromised with the name choices to "resemble" our favorites and incorporated (by accident) little pieces of our family's naming traditions.

We are really excited for all the changes coming up but they definitely lead to a lot of questions about "what next?"  But, as most of our friends and family know, we don't do big changes one at a time, we like to get 'em  done all at once.  Why this is only heaven knows, maybe it's just serendipity or perhaps it's just the relief of knowing huge changes are done and over with at once and once we settle, we're settled until we do it again.  I guess that's part of the joy in being out on a limb!

On a side note:
It's going to be quite the household adjustment so we're hoping our 6 year old English Setter will adjust quickly to both a puppy and a baby. To keep things close to even,  we've decided to get the opposite gender puppy as the baby so no one is completely out-numbered!  How's that for family planning? LOL!

Friday, January 27, 2012

The wind blows but sometimes it just sucks.

Living here sometimes just sucks the life right out of me.

Recently the hubs and I enjoyed a late Saturday morning in bed then proceeded to attack the day by ten o'clock with a couple of "let's do's."

We started with breakfast, get a kolache (local speak for breakfast inside a roll) and then coffee.  The kolache run was good, the coffee run was not.  After seeing one of the coffee huts all backed up we decided to stop at the local inside a store coffee places.  I ran inside, placed my order immediately and then waited patiently.  Until...  another customer brought his in-store purchases to the register to pay, ordered his coffee and proceeded to have a long drawn out conversation with the clerk.

Usually, this wouldn't bother me, except I waited  for 30 minutes after my quoted 20-minutes-until-order-pickup the night before at a restaurant.  Fries and burgers are not fresh  after 30 minutes.  

Seeing my coffee mostly prepared and getting cold while the clerk chats normally doesn't bother me. I typically enjoy watching people reconnect. However, my irritation reached the breaking point when she finally finished my drink (15 minutes after I ordered) and set it on the counter and sort of slid it to me and without making eye contact said "Sorry about that." Again, not something that would have hit a nerve but her tone of voice didn't really say "sorry for the wait".

I haven't quite determined if my customer service expectation are too high or if I was just easily irritable for 24 hours.  Maybe I just expect people to multi-task as much as I do.  Either way my irritation with customer service here started my individual life-sucking feelings.

We left the coffee debacle behind and proceeded to our next to-do, the local liquidation sale. TV adverts promised rock bottom deals on all sorts of electronics and gadgets.  We arrived to find that there was a COVER charge. The fee was for the whole weekend but really, if you don't find something today are they possibly going to have anything different tomorrow??  Feeling a little fleeced and skeptical at this point we cruised the show and found nothing you couldn't already buy at Wally-world for the same price without a cover charge.  15 minutes later we left.

For some reason we were thinking that little adventure would take a couple of hours.  Prior experience should have indicated that no.. nothing here really takes more than 30 minutes to go through.  Next on the list ... was well nothing.  I suggested we go look at the local furniture store and see if there was anything we liked.  I'm itching for a new entertainment system solution.  We walked through the store (keeping previous time in mind) and looked at a couple of things, and then the hubs plopped himself down in the theater sectional seating and proceeded to watch the 4 movies playing in front of him.

By noon we were struggling to find something ... anything that would keep us out of the apartment.  Unfortunately, there are times when you just can't make yourself wander around Walmart just because there isn't anything else to do but go home.  

Apartment living is a struggle for us, mostly because we like projects, something to paint, something to fix, something to build, something to tear down- grass to mow even.  Apartments don't really leave a lot of opportunity to do anything but basic housework, laundry, dishes, cleaning, dusting, none of which I relish doing.  Saturday we were having none of it... anything but back to the apartment to do something so mundane.

Why didn't we go somewhere for the weekend you ask??  SNOW... is the answer.  We were expecting a storm and although the idea of getting caught anywhere other than our apartment was intriguing, we have a dog.  A dog that requires going out, feeding, watering and loving.  She is fantastic and we love her dearly, but truth be told, were she not waiting at home when we get restless, we'd have been gone more than once.  

I can usually tolerate life-sucking attitudes, except when it happens to be my own.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Time Flies

Wow - where does the time go?  I have often read the quote "Work swells to fit the time allowed" - or something to that effect.  However, it seems that more often my work swells to exceed the time there is!  This is a good thing and a bad thing.  The best thing about it is that time moves so quickly, to a couple with a self-imposed sentence to living where we are for a specified aount of time this is good thing.  The bad part is that being busy and with time moving so quickly,  it's sometimes easy to forget about the important things.  Like your friends.. and family.. and your spouse. 

Luckily I am not the only one to succumb to the time bandit.  A recent email from one of my dearest friends shared the lovely news of her family growing again (YAY!).  And the email spawned a flurry of emails from our other best-ies about her other thoughts on getting together for a"gathering" of our families next summer after the new one's arrival.  A challenge now that we're all grown up working and living in 3 different states and at different stages of family life and not in college anymore.  The last time we all got together was at the wedding.  That was almost 2 years ago. 

So then family..  we really take them for granted.  I have seen many families in recent years lose a member unexpectedly and much too early.  So last Christmas's horrible awareness that I had not seen my sister in almost a year festered all spring so I made it a priority in the early summer to visit her.  It was a humbling and gratifying experience to see the forever 10 year old in mind now as a mature 22 year old woman,  and knowing that she is forging her path in the world and doing it quite well!  The baby in the family is driving now, which by all counts means she isn't much of the Kindergartner I remember.  The middle one I probably talk to the most so I feel more connected to, but I haven't seen her in person since Christmas this year, mostly because she was on another continent. It's time for a trip home I believe. Oh, how I miss my red-headed trio!

And then the spouse.  That absolutely wonderful man I get to spend nearly every night with.  You'll notice I didn't say come home to or every night.  This is because, well, sometimes I come home after him and there are a lot of nights coming up that I'll be in a hotel for a work conference and not with him.    We're busy people and thank goodness we're both ok with that.  However I think he thinks I take him for granted.  What he doesn't know is that I couldn't do half of what I do without him.  He makes me better and want to do better and be better for everyone, including him.  I bet he feels like he's out on a limb though!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

6 months

It was 6 months ago that we started another adventure in a new town.  Moved away from everyone we knew, started new jobs and learned to live with one another... hmmm... why does that sound so familiar?  The past six months were  so much easier than the last time we transitioned with so much newness.  Maybe because we knew what to expect (or not to expect) and had already experienced some severe disappointments together?

For us reaching the first six months was a triumph.  We are happy, content (with most things at least) and most of all feel like we've got a handle on things again.  I recently read a friend's blog about meeting her 6 month mark.  It was a different kind of 6 month mark, it was one of those marks that leaves you in awe at the grace of God and the love of the people around you.

Thinking about her 6 month mark and my 6 month mark made me think about how so much of what we do is measured in the amount of time it took to get there, to hang on or get past those life events.  Why is it that we tend to focus on the length of time it took rather than the time we've had?

So many amazing things happen in the time we've had.  Babies are born, friends and family leave this world, change, change, and more change.  And you know what???  I like it.

BTW...We celebrated that small tick of time with a date night and flowers (before Valentines Day), which truly was a great time! 

Monday, September 27, 2010

The fork in the road

Well, here we are, moved, sort of settled and back on track... or at least that's how it feels.  New jobs, new places and well, new everything.  Attacking the challenges of a new place is as out there as you can get.  It's exciting, scary and well, draining.  Learning the new grocery store, the routes around town, the neighbors (good and bad) the new sounds, daily routines, finding new friends; it's a wonder anyone ever moves for the challenges that await once you get there. Truly it's not that bad. I'm just exhusted, we've been here two months today and there are tons of things to do still at the house, the office, around town.. I think I'm going to celebrate the first two months by breaking out the $50 bottle of wine we won at last springs' ALS banquet and get a movie from the new found redbox rental, relax and pet my dogs.  

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So... there comes a point when a decision just has to be made.  Whether that decision is what's for lunch or should be move here or here?  Lunch is easy.  Moving not so much.  I think major decisions are very simple when you are single, once there are two of you to make the decisions it complicates things to the nth degree.  As a single woman, I took two jobs, bought a house, moved three times, and then I got married. Now I've left two jobs, moved zero times but am living with my mother-in-law (who is wonderful) but holey moley now that we have the chance to move my hubs and I just can't seem to come to terms with our current decision.  We've made it, I think... but neither one of us is too excited.  I got a job offer but he's not excited about the move.  He's got a job opportunity- not an offer- but I'm not excited about it because it puts us back in the same predictament we were in about a year and a half ago- which wasn't good.   So here we are... at a crossroads and feeling like we should take the trail that runs through both.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Change, Challenge and Cheap Seats

The things I think of writing about aren't necessarily awe-inspiring, enlightening or maybe even interesting to anyone other than myself.  But in the last few days I've had a lot of thinking time... I'm unemployed at the moment so that leaves a lot of open hours in my day.  Topics I've considered in this time cover a lot of ground:

Challenges - those things that we dream up or are very real parts in accomplishing big and small, long and short goals
Job Opportunity - I'm interested in a lot of things... I think that's why I'm hesitant to make a choice
New Ideas - Where does one start with a new path? One foot in front of the other... yeah...
Family - When family is involved everything gets complicated or easier depending on what you're doing.
Food - What's for lunch?
Prayer - My sisters... i just want to squeeze them... I'm older but not always wiser. How is it that a simple message from one of them just makes your day?
National Crisis - Someone just sold everything they own (the house, clothes, everything) to help out on the Gulf Coast without any idea of how they were going to help, but just knew that they were going to... now that's Faith.
Fear - the unknown of the next step and how to get there.
Spousal Relationships - I love that man, but some days... oi!
Friends - Where did they go?? At what point does it seem like the friend switch got turned off... you're close, you're connected, you're busy making dinner dates and then... you're hundreds of miles apart, FB is as connected as you get (maybe the occasional email) and your social calendar is growing an inch of dust on it.
Cheap Seats - what an excellent way to see your favorite event when you're out of funds... however, those not so cheap ones sometimes have a much better view.  I hope I get back there someday.

Life out on a limb... what a challenge.